Fresh Forms

A Commentary of Beautiful things

Cravendale Cats Are Back


We see a return of possibly one of the best adverts ever made. A brilliant concept coupled with razor sharp timing, pouncing (oh yes, pun intended) on the cat video movement. Wieden + Kennedy are responsible and now have yet another faultless addition to their stellar portfolio.

This time round we see Bertrum Thumbcat, the sinister tabby in a swivel chair, hatch a plan to brainwash the milkmen in order to get his furry thumbed paws on the Cravendale.

Now as with many dumbfoundingly excellent ads, the sequel falls short. This one, however, expands adequately from the introduction of the menacing cat gang at your backdoor and sends a giggle through the delighting audience.

The main reason for this ads success is the truth in it. We all know if cats had thumbs, this would be a very real scenario for us. Shudder in your boots and lock all the windows and doors. They are organised.

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